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The Disease of Addiction

Drug and substance abuse itself is a complicated topic, yet the question consistently plaguing the minds of non-addicts is: why? What could possibly lead someone to become addicted to substances, and why would they pursue that recreationally in the first place? Often, the answer is complicated, but many times a common denominator can be found: something is missing.

Whether it’s the death of family members, the absence of substantial relationships, social anxiety, or coping with mental illnesses, there is usually something missing that drug abuse temporarily alleviates the pressure of. It’s a temporary coping mechanism that creates a sense of sudden yet unparalleled euphoria, and addicts are often chasing that high in an attempt to feel some sense of normalcy in a world that is consistently tumultuous.


What non-addicts often don’t understand is that drug addiction is an illness, much like the flu or common cold. When facing illnesses such as the flu, it is often recommended to seek treatment, such as visiting a doctor or taking medication.

Drug addiction is much the same: it’s impossible to cure yourself, and investing in treatment for fentanyl addiction programs can alleviate the symptoms and develop healthier coping mechanisms.


Fentanyl Abuse

Fentanyl is a form of opioid, also known as a drug to treat severe pain. It is often prescribed after surgeries to aid recovery and prevent severe pain post-operation. It’s similar to morphine yet is 50 to 100 times stronger. Taking fentanyl can aid with sleep, as well as chronic pain and other issues.

Opioids are already a highly addictive drug, as it has up to a 19% addiction rate for those who begin to take them, whether prescribed or purchased from drug dealers. Prescription fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid that can cause addiction in as few as three days.
Further, It takes a very small dosage of taking fentanyl to experience a high, which can make it a cheaper option as compared to other recreational drugs, such as ecstasy or cocaine. Overall, fentanyl addiction is shockingly easy to ease into, and extraordinarily difficult to undo.
a man taking pills out of a case

How People Use Fentanyl Illegally

Fentanyl is sold as a powder, pills, and it is often put into nasal sprays and/or eye droppers. Illicit fentanyl is a leading cause of death in drug overdoses because drug dealers frequently mix it with other drugs. For instance, if a user were to take methamphetamine while mixing fentanyl with the dosage, they may consume a high volume of opiates, which can lead to serious illness or fentanyl overdose.


The Effects and Symptoms of Fentanyl Abuse


Fentanyl can cause the following symptoms:

  • Pain relief
  • Euphoria
  • Drowsiness and confusion
  • Nausea
  • Relaxation
  • Dizziness

Over time, the long-term effects of taking fentanyl can lead to further problems such as hypoxia, in which breathing slows down and the brain does not get the oxygen it needs. This can lead to permanent brain damage, and in extreme cases of fentanyl overdose, coma or death.


Fentanyl Addiction and Withdrawal Symptoms

Fentanyl addiction can start in as few as three days of consistently ingesting it, and attempting to quit can lead to painful withdrawal symptoms, such as:

  • Vomiting
  • Severe pain, especially in the muscles and bones
  • Intense cravings
  • Uncontrollable shaking

Those who become addicted to prescription opioids or fentanyl can often find it easier to keep taking it, as opioid withdrawal symptoms are unpleasant to experience and can cause more harm than good, especially in the case of chronic pain and other bodily issues.


The Benefit of Drug Rehabilitation Centers

No one should have to deal with illnesses alone, and fentanyl addiction is no exception. Commonly recommended fentanyl addiction treatment options include rehabilitation centers. Rehab centers have proven effective in aiding addicts in gaining their sobriety as well as maintaining it, and set them up with resources post-treatment. Further, rehabilitation creates the ability to maintain important skills such as building healthy habits, connecting with a community of others who may have similar experiences to your own, and overall reducing the risk of relapse.
Treatment facility

Finding the Recovery Center that is Right for You

Not every recovery center is for every person, and finding the right place for your needs is essential on the road to sobriety. You made want to seek out resources near you in California:

Or if you need resources outside of California:

Finding the right rehabilitation center is an issue of determining what your goals are, what fentanyl addiction treatment near me will work best to suit those goals, and what success within those goals means to you. Luckily, there are thousands of centers across the nation, and Zoe Recovery Center strives to help their patients to not only obtain their goals, but to maintain them.


How Zoe Recovery Center Can Help

Zoe Recovery Center, located in Lake Forest, California, prides itself on being a rehabilitation center that treats each of its patients with unique, individualized care. Their fentanyl addiction treatment program is heavily therapy-based and provides support every step of the way. Zoe Recovery Center attempts to identify the root of the problem within addiction and uses that to push forward care with a patented approach.

Zoe Recovery focuses on three steps to the best treatment for fentanyl addiction: detox, rehab, and aftercare.


Detox is always the first stage in any addiction treatment recovery process, and often the most difficult, as the symptoms are incredibly uncomfortable and often extremely painful. Completing detox inside of a rehabilitation center rather than alone ensures the best possible care through these difficult days and ensures the risk of relapse is low.


Zoe Recovery calls its rehab stage the “core” of fentanyl addiction treatment. They offer two options for the rehabilitation process with their patients, whether it’s inpatient or outpatient treatment programs. Either way, patients are matched with a therapist equipped to handle their situation and ensure the steps they take are beneficial to recovery. Further, this stage of addiction recovery often involves group therapy and discussion, which can connect you with others who have faced similar struggles and can create a community to aid in the recovery process.


The aftercare stage involves Zoe Recovery Center’s involvement in sober living, whether it involves getting their patients situated in a sober living home or setting up weekly appointments between patients and their therapists.


Steps to Admission

When being admitted to Zoe Recovery Center for fentanyl addiction treatment, patients can typically expect the following steps to take place:

  1. Patients first work with an admissions counselor over the phone, doing an initial admission assessment and determining the level of care and approach the doctors within the facility need to take.
  2. The patient enters the facility, beginning the detox process.
  3. Upon entering the facility, patients see their doctor for medication that aids with the withdrawal process. This can alleviate painful symptoms and ensure that the patient is comfortable as possible.
  4. Start the medical detox. As this process continues, the doctors begin to taper off the medication detoxing the body, allowing the body to run its course with the withdrawal symptoms. While this is happening, the patient is under 24-hour care with a medical team.
  5. Once the withdrawal symptoms have worn off and the body begins to heal itself, patients begin participating in Zoe Recovery Center’s daily activities to ensure recovery of both the body as well as the mind. In the in-patient sessions, these daily routines include group counseling, individual counseling, and case management sessions. They also involve their patients in experiential therapy by going on outings and activities off-site, and nightly recovery meetings with local support groups.
  6. Patients continue to participate in this daily routine until a full recovery is made, usually around 30 days of in-patient care.

You Don’t Have to Fight Addiction Alone

Many times, when addicts seem reluctant to check themselves into rehabilitation, it is because they have something they’re leaving behind. This can be a partner or a pet, or something that is holding them behind that they are reluctant to leave.

A woman talking to a therapist

At Zoe Behavioral Health, they offer a handful of programs such as couples rehab or pet-friendly options so their patients can be as comfortable as possible, whilst not leaving behind the comforts of their everyday lives.There is also a massive stigma around fentanyl addiction treatment and rehabilitation centers in general: those who have never grappled with addiction often believe that rehab isn’t entirely necessary. They believe addicts should just be able to quit on their own, and treatment shouldn’t be necessary. As such, struggling with addiction and seeking addiction treatment can be frowned upon in modern society.

However, it is important to remember that humans are predisposed to struggle and make mistakes in their lives, and it’s more than okay to reach out and ask for help when it’s needed. As you wouldn’t let a physical ailment or wound suffer without seeing a doctor, addiction treatment is just as important in overcoming addiction itself and maintaining a life of sobriety.
Rehabilitations such as Zoe Behavioral Health not only help, but truly care for their patients and maintain the relationships with their patients past the point of care. There are plenty of people who are willing to help: it’s all about looking in the right places.
Two women hugging

Does Rehabilitation Actually Help?

Not seeking out treatment options for fentanyl addiction is often because of questioning — will a rehabilitation treatment actually work? The answer is likely yes: so long as patients are taking the steps to help themselves whilst still asking for help and fighting to maintain their sobriety even after treatment, about 80% of addicts report staying sober past the nine-month mark outside of rehabilitation.

Zoe Behavioral Health recognizes that progress is not always linear, and urges its patients to remember that relapsing on fentanyl addiction is not a failure on the road to sobriety: just a speedbump.


What Patients Think

Zoe Behavioral Health has outstanding reviews, averaging at a 4.7/5 stars on Google Reviews. Popular reviews maintain that Zoe Behavioral Health truly cares for the recovery and well-being of their patients, and are well-stacked with a trained staff that demonstrate both practicality and empathy. Further, some reviews state that they have found a community of people they feel truly understand them, and that Zoe Behavioral saved their life.Further, many rehabilitation patients believe their quality of life increased after seeking treatment, and have since reported feeling much happier and more fulfilled.

A woman laughing while holding a phone

In Conclusion

It can be difficult to ask for help, especially when dealing with difficult hurdles such as substance abuse and, more specifically, fentanyl addiction. Wherever you’re looking for help, rather that’s fentanyl addiction treatment Texas, California, or anywhere else. It’s important to remember that addiction is a disease just as much as the flu is, and when someone needs help with treating the flu, they go to the doctor. Much is the same with addiction, yet there is a stigma around rehabilitation centers and addiction is seen as voluntary rather than a legitimate struggle people face. However, seeking out options and admitting addiction treatment may be a necessary step in recovery can aid exponentially in the long, difficult process of getting sober.


Zoe Recovery focuses on taking a nuanced approach for every person, whether they’re grappling with a fentanyl addiction or addiction to other drugs/alcohol. They ensure that from the second the patients seek out treatment options, they are taken care of in a way that is specialized to their recovery process and being given endless resources every step of the way.

Further, they aim to not only help their patients in the long, bumpy road of addiction recovery, but to maintain that sobriety even after the in-patient care process ends.

Southern California Detox
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Fentanyl addiction has become a serious problem in the United States, contributing significantly to overdose deaths. It’s cheaper than heroin and is often combined with other opioids or synthetic opioids, sometimes without the consumer’s knowledge. This potent synthetic opioid affects the central nervous system and can lead to severe pain relief but also to substance use disorders, opioid overdose deaths, and respiratory depression.

If you believe that you have a fentanyl problem or other substance use disorders, then fentanyl rehab can help you get your life back. It’s a comprehensive and personalized form of care designed to treat addiction and help you get from wherever you are now to your long-term recovery goals, addressing issues such as opioid use disorders and drug abuse.

Keep reading to learn more about what treatment for fentanyl abuse and addiction is like and how you may benefit from it.

Fentanyl addiction treatment recovery group therapy

What is fentanyl?

Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid used to treat patients with severe pain, including breakthrough cancer pain. It is more potent than morphine and can be administered as medications in pill or liquid form.

Fentanyl’s potency makes it effective but also increases the risk of fentanyl overdose if not used carefully. Drugs like fentanyl affect opioid receptors in the brain, providing pain relief but also posing significant risks.

Unfortunately, drug dealers often misuse fentanyl, leading to illicit sales and increased overdose deaths. Naloxone or nasal sprays can be used to counteract its effects in emergencies. Patients must remain safely connected with healthcare providers to manage its use responsibly.

How do I know if I have an addiction to fentanyl?

Fentanyl is highly addictive, and its potency makes it easy to accidentally use it on a regular basis, given how often it’s included in drugs like cocaine and heroin. Regardless of how you’ve come to think that you may be addicted to fentanyl or other synthetic opioids, here are some signs you can look at:

  • You’ve tried to quit using fentanyl or other prescription opioids on your own and have failed
  • Your drug use is causing problems at work, home, or school
  • Your physical and mental health are suffering as a result of your drug use or opioid use disorder
  • You feel physically ill when you go too long without using fentanyl
  • You feel like you have to use more and more fentanyl each time

If any of these signs of addiction fit your situation, then don’t hesitate to reach out for advice. Zoe’s addiction specialists are always available to answer your questions and provide personalized treatment recommendations free of charge.

Man consulting with a therapist for fentanyl addiction treatment

How does fentanyl rehab work?

Treatment for addiction to fentanyl is often split into three distinct phases. We’ll take a look at each of these below.

Fentanyl Detox

Recovery from substance use disorder always begins with detox. This is the period of transition in which your body starts adjusting to functioning without receiving regular doses of fentanyl or other opioids.

Detox is typically when you experience the most significant withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Completing your detox in a recovery center will help to keep you safe and prevent relapse during this critical stage of the healing journey.

Fentanyl Rehab

Rehab is what’s often described as the core of fentanyl drug rehab. You can choose between inpatient and outpatient rehab for fentanyl and opioid addiction. The best option for you will depend on your personal situation and whether you need to manage with prescribed medications like methadone or buprenorphine.

Whichever option you pick, you’ll get to work with a skilled therapist who can help you uncover the root causes of your addiction and find healthier ways to cope with those challenges moving forward. 

Your rehab program will also likely include group meetings or therapy sessions. These give you the opportunity to benefit from the lessons that others have learned in their battles with addiction.

At Zoe, we also provide a wide variety of holistic treatments. From outdoor therapy and nature walks to yoga and meditation classes, we’ll help you heal your entire mind and body while you recover from fentanyl abuse.


Finally, the last stage of the healing journey is aftercare. This term encompasses any treatment you seek for sobriety after you’ve successfully completed rehab. Aftercare is crucial to prevent children and adults from falling back into drug abuse.

Some people decide to live in sober living homes after completing rehab. That can be a smart way to smoothen the transition between rehab and the real world. But it may not be an option for you.

Your aftercare treatment plan could also include continuing to see your therapist for weekly sessions and participating in group meetings. Your doctor will make a personalized recommendation at the conclusion of rehab.

How do you pay for fentanyl rehab?

If you have insurance, then there’s a good chance that at least some of your treatment costs will be covered. Most insurance plans have coverage for substance abuse care. You may just need to choose a rehab facility that’s in your network to receive this coverage.

If you need help with that process, don’t hesitate to reach out. We can verify your insurance for you to let you know how much of your care with Zoe would be paid for you.

Is inpatient or outpatient care better for treating addiction to opioid analgesics like fentanyl?

Both forms of care can be effective for fentanyl recovery. The option that’s right for you will depend on factors like your home environment and whether you have any responsibilities that could make inpatient care difficult.

The key thing to keep in mind while choosing between outpatient and inpatient care is that outpatient care provides more freedom by allowing you to sleep in your own bed at night. This freedom can backfire and lead to relapse if you’re not in a supportive environment.

What if I have a pet or partner I don’t want to leave behind?

At Zoe, we offer a variety of pet-friendly and couples rehab options to choose from. These allow you to move into our residential treatment center to begin receiving care while bringing your pet or partner with you.

Just keep in mind there are pros and cons to these types of care, so it’s worth consulting with a drug addiction specialist before determining whether pet-friendly or couples rehab is for you.

Woman smiling while in fentanyl rehab

How do I know what type of treatment for substance use disorders is right for me?

No two cases of substance use disorders are entirely alike. The treatment that you choose should reflect this.

You can start researching the types of care that may be best for you online. But it’s also helpful to connect with a drug addiction specialist at Zoe who can use their expertise to make a personal recommendation.

Best fentanyl rehab in Orange County to treat addiction

Recovering from fentanyl or opioid addiction is possible. Having the right supporters on your team can make all the difference in your recovery journey.

That’s why you should consider contacting Zoe. We employ some of the most skilled addiction specialists in all of California and give you the opportunity to benefit from their personalized recommendations informed by their expertise.

But don’t take our word for it. Reach out today for a free consultation and experience the value we can bring to your recovery process directly. We look forward to hearing from you.