Category Archives: Mental Health

  • How Long Does PTSD Last?
    Tuesday, August 27th, 2024

    How Long Does PTSD Last?

    Have you recently experienced a traumatic event? Perhaps you’ve been involved in a serious accident or witnessed a violent crime. For several days and weeks after the event, you might be experiencing a wide range of emotions and physical symptoms. This is a normal reaction to trauma, known as acute stress disorder (ASD). However, if
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  • Arguing with a Bipolar Person
    Thursday, August 8th, 2024

    Arguing with a Bipolar Person

    Maintaining a healthy relationship with a person living with bipolar disorder can be challenging. Dealing with their fluctuating energy levels and extreme mood swings can be exhausting and overwhelming. Even if you love the person dearly, there will be arguments from time to time and when this happens, you might find yourself struggling to communicate
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  • Depressed Lonely Quotes to Inspire Hope and Healing
    Tuesday, July 30th, 2024

    Depressed Lonely Quotes to Inspire Hope and Healing

    Depression and loneliness are two powerful emotions that can have a significant impact on your mental health. They can leave you feeling isolated, hopeless, and overwhelmed, affecting your ability to function in daily life and diminishing your overall well-being. These emotions can create a sense of disconnect from others, making it seem like no one
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  • Best Emotional Support Dog Breeds for Anxiety and Depression
    Friday, July 19th, 2024

    Best Emotional Support Dog Breeds for Anxiety and Depression

    Are you looking for the perfect emotional support animal (ESA) for managing stress and anxiety? Emotional support animals are known to provide comfort, companionship, and unconditional love to their owners. They can help manage symptoms of mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Dogs are a popular choice because of
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  • 5 Powerful Ways Art Therapy Can Improve Your Mental Health
    Monday, July 15th, 2024

    5 Powerful Ways Art Therapy Can Improve Your Mental Health

    Mental health is a critical aspect of our overall well-being, yet it is often overlooked or stigmatized in society. Many people struggle with mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, and more, but there are effective ways to cope and improve mental health. One powerful method that has gained recognition in recent years is
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  • Rebuilding Your Career After Rehab
    Wednesday, June 26th, 2024

    Rebuilding Your Career After Rehab

    After completing rehab, the thought of starting over can be scary. There’s your personal and professional life to deal with, both of which may have been negatively affected by your addiction. When it comes to your career, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to start. How do you find a job? Are you
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  • Finding Friendships After Rehab: 5 Tips to Build a Supportive Circle
    Thursday, June 13th, 2024

    Finding Friendships After Rehab: 5 Tips to Build a Supportive Circle

    After completing rehab, one of the most important steps towards maintaining sobriety is surrounding yourself with positive influences and supportive friends. However, finding new friends after rehab can be challenging, especially if you are used to spending time with people who may have encouraged your past habits. It’s essential to connect with individuals who understand
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  • Mindful Steps for Better Mental Health
    Thursday, May 2nd, 2024

    Mindful Steps for Better Mental Health

    Mental health is a crucial part of overall well-being but often gets neglected amid daily life’s rush, making many feel overwhelmed and disconnected. It’s especially tough for those focused on wellness, mental health advocacy, or recovering from substance addiction to find balance and peace. Yet, adding mindfulness to your daily life can change things significantly. 
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  • What To Do When You Relapse?
    Monday, April 29th, 2024

    What To Do When You Relapse?

    Experiencing a relapse in your journey towards overcoming drug or alcohol addiction can be a challenging and disheartening moment. The risk of relapse is a reality for many individuals on the path to recovery from substance use disorder. Remember that it does not signify failure but rather a bump along the road of your recovery
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  • Affirmations For Anxiety: 5 Positive Statements
    Thursday, March 28th, 2024

    Affirmations For Anxiety: 5 Positive Statements

    Anxiety, often co-occurring with addiction, is a common mental health issue that can greatly affect daily life. If you’re experiencing anxiety disorders, you may find yourself depending on alcohol and other substances to manage stress and anxiety in your daily routines.  The connection between anxiety and addiction is well-documented. There are various risk factors contributing
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